This page last changed on Oct 24, 2006 by cholmes.

Jira - Issue Tracker is the location of our Issue tracker.

Our JIRA issue tracker is one of the primary modes of communication

for the GeoServer project. If there's a bug in the code or a feature you'd like to see in GeoServer, please report it to the issue tracker. For more directions, see Reporting Issues.

Using the tracker

Issues reported to JIRA will automatically email the development list. An advantage of using the tracker is that conversations on the specific issue can stay on that issue. And those interested in the issue can 'watch' it and automatically receive email notifications whenever someone changes, closes, or comments on the issue. This way we don't spam the whole list with minutia about an issue, but the whole conversation is still made public.

Tracker for core developers

We highly encourage all core developers to track all their issues on JIRA. This has several advantages. First it allows us to easily assemble a report on the fixes for each release, so we don't have to remember exactly what was fixed. It also ensures that issues don't get forgotten, that they persist somewhere until they are closed. But even for minor fixes that one does right away it's nice to have a record of the problem. So please use it as much as possible, it helps us to remain an open, happy project.

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:26